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Naturaliste Legal provides legal services in the following areas:


  • Deceased estate administration

  • Representations in disputed estates for claims made under the Family Provision Act 1972, for applicants wanting to bring a claim, or Executor/s and/or beneficiary/s defending a claim.

  • Superannuation death benefit disputes


Deceased estate administration:


Where a deceased person has left a Will, depending on the nature of the assets, the person nominated as the Executor may need to make an application to the Supreme Court of Western Australia (or another jurisdiction – depending on the location of the assets) to obtain a Grant of Probate.


Where a person has executed a Will and the nominated Executors cannot be located or have predeceased the Will maker, a person nominated as a beneficiary may be able to make an application to the Supreme Court of Western Australia seeking a Grant of Letters of Administration with the Will annexed.  Given the complexity of such application, legal advice may be required to assist with such application.


Where a person has executed a Will which does not meet the formal requirements of the Wills Act 1970, legal advice may be required to assist with an application being made to prove the informal Will under Part 10 of the legislation.


In the event that a person dies without leaving a Will, an application for a Grant of Letters of Administration may be required in order for the estate to be administered.


In the event that you require legal assistance with the administration of a deceased estate, please contact us to arrange an appointment.

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