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An Enduring Power of Attorney enables a person (the Donor) to nominate another adult person/s (the Donee) to be legally authorised to undertake financial transactions on behalf of the Donor.

An Enduring Power of Guardianship enables a person (the Donor) to nominate another adult person/s (the Donee) to be legally authorised to make health, care and lifestyle decisions on behalf of the Donor in the event that the Donor is no longer capable of making such decisions themselves.


In the absence of the appointment of an Attorney and/or Guardian, where a person is no longer capable of managing their own affairs, an application may need to be made to the State Administrative Tribunal for an Administration and Guardianship order to enable another person to make decisions, including financial decisions, on behalf of the incapable person.


Having a valid Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Power of Guardianship in place, means that you can authorise the person/s whom you wish to have authority to make decisions on your behalf.

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